I decided to try and do some outdoor dyeing as opposed to indoor dyeing, using a mango leave dye. 
The fabric that i had dyed were:
-Silk Ramie 
-100% Cotton
-Silk Nylon Blend Lace

Silk Ramie after submerging it in water in order to open the fibres so the fabric can take the dye in more evenly and easily. 

I had used clothes pins and elastic bands on the Silk Ramie to create simple resists, which in turn created circles. 

The Silk Ramie had only been dyeing for about 15 minutes. I found that mango leave dyes can be used as a warm/cold bath, not needing much heat at all.

100% Cotton, only submerged in the dye bath for about 10 minutes

Silk and Nylon blend lace, which I had dyed for about 5 minutes


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Queenie Jayne Dagmang

Toronto Based Textile&Fashion Designer&Artist

OCAD University Graduate
Bachelors of Design
specializing in Material Art+Design: Fibre

Instagram: @queeniejayne