Banana leaves W.O.G = 440 grams
Mango leaves W.O.G = 440 grams
Avocado leaves W.O.G = 110 grams
*all leaves were sourced from my familial homes in the Philippines
After soaking each dye stuff in water overnight, I then proceeded to boil the leaves for the first time.
I noticed that the leaves, mango in particular already began to extract the colour on its own without being boiled, although the banana and avocado leaves began to extract the colours as well, it was not as evident as the mango leaves.

After 30 minutes of boiling, I then lower the temperature.
After 2&1/2 hours of boiling, I take the leaves off the stove, and let the leaves soak in the water/dye bath over night.
The next day, I strain the leaves from the dye-bath and begin to concentrate the dye bath by boil it.
I then repeat the above steps 2 more times.
After almost a month of letting the leaves soak in fresh water, the leaves were still giving off a lot of colour.
Since then, I've boiled and extracted colour another 2 times, while the leaves are still giving off colour just by soaking in the water. Solar dyeing is another possibility of experimentation in the future, for now I've only experimented with dyeing fabric with no mordant, alum, tin, iron, and copper.
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